Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Easy Games! A way to make any trip hilarious.

I realized that I was leaving out an important and ever present aspect of my abroad experience. The games we constantly played wherever we were.

This is a wonderful game introduced by the man, the legend himself, Davey Gabriel Bales. Essentially, it’s a game where you dare someone to do something, usually a little embarrassing but harmless. The recipient of the dare can choose the odds that he would do it. For example, if Davey says, “Ben, odds you go up and introduce yourself to the next stranger you see”, I could say “one in eight”, meaning that I would do give my self a one in eight chance to do that. The challenger, in this case Davey, would then count to three. After he says three, we both say a number between the aforementioned range, in this case between one and eight. If we say the same number, then the person being dared has to do whatever the dare was. So, if we both said seven, then I would have to introduce myself to the next stranger that I see. If we say different numbers, then nothing happens. However, there’s a wrinkle. If the person being dared says one in two, then the darer has to perform the task if they don’t say the same number. For example, Davey could say, “Ben, odds you dance across this whole crosswalk?” I, being the dancing fiend that I am, don’t think that would be too bad. So if I say “one in two” and Davey doesn’t get me, then he has to dance across the crosswalk. This way, you have to be careful of daring people, because they could "two" you and you could end up performing the task. Now, if someone refuses to do the task after losing, then the others participating can come up with a challenge. For example, while in Poland, I got Christina on an odds to start dancing in the foyer of this brewery, and she didn’t do it. As a challenge, I decided to make her give a speech to all 30 of our classmates about how much they mean to her at dinner on our last night in Poland. The only two rules in this game are as follows: the tasks can’t have anything to do with money and your dare can’t negatively affect other people against their will. Other than that, anything is fair game! And you have to give odds, but if it’s something absurd, you could always say one in eight thousand, so you probably won’t have to do it. This game always makes things interesting.

Blow Dart
This a very simple and rather humorous game. Whenever someone makes eye contact with someone else, either one can put their hand to their mouth and blow a blow dart at the other person. It hits the other person in the neck and tranquilizes them. The tranquilized person must then go limp and fall down. The person must stay there until someone pulls the dart out of their neck and then they are back to normal.

Blow darting someone.


Another very simple game. You walk up to someone and yell “man on!”. You then promptly jump on their back and the person hopefully catches you. That’s it! Always a fun one…

Spy game

A personal favorite, introduced by the one and only Mags. If two people make eye contact, one person can put their hand to their eye as if they are spying on them with a telescope. The person being spied on must drop everything and put on their hand mask (see picture below) within three seconds of being spied on. If they don’t get their mask on in time, then they have to hit the deck so that the spy doesn’t shoot them. They must lay belly down on the ground for five seconds, at which point you have successfully survived the spy attack, and can then resume whatever you were doing.

Spying on someone.

Putting on your mask.

Slack Jaw
This one is quite simple. You look at someone and go "slack jaw", meaning you just let your jaw hang there. The other person does it back. Whoever smiles first loses. Rules: you cannot touch the other person, but pretty much anything else is fair game as long as you keep your jaw slack the whole time.

Slack Jaw

Monday, December 2, 2013

Leave of Absence

Dear readers, whomever you may be,

I would like to inform you that I am taking a study leave of absence. Finals are in full swing over here and any time spent not studying, I'd like to be soaking up all the Copenhagen I can! Before you get too disappointed, I have a present for you, after all 'tis the season of giving. I shall be completing my blog during Christmas break, so stay tuned for that!

Don't worry, I'll still drop a knowledge bomb for you all in this somewhat sad post. Did you know, that Americans throw out $13.2 billion every year by throwing out apple cores?! What?! Kaboom! You can actually eat the whole apple, but very few people do. There might be a slight amount of cyanide in the apple seeds, but you have to eat thousands of them to have any effect. So everyone, spread the word and start eating the whole apple! You get quite a few funny looks too. Check out the article at...


Oh, and an Andover friend visited this past week. We had a lot of fun! Check out Danielle and me, causing trouble per usual...