Thursday, October 31, 2013

Berlin Wall Special!

I shant ruin this post with lots of jibber jabber. This latest episode in my tomfoolerous shenanigans will feature all pictures from the Berlin Wall. Chchchchcheck it out!

Not the best form Dayna... 

Yaam was everywhere and we decided it meant peace. 

Nailed it!

 All of the murals had emails at the bottom where you could contact the artist which I thought was pretty cool.

Mags gettin' the shot.

Say hi to Christina!

Alby making the wall!

I really like this quote.

I second that. Everyone knows Root Beer is better. 


 Classic Danielle photobombing. 

 The Dream Team. Left to right: Me, Bonnie, Tuey, Danielle, Dayna, Christina, Macky, Mags, and Davey.

 The goofy dream team

Gettin' down and dirty to set up the self timer.


 I made the wall! 

So true.

Danielle and I defy the laws of space and time...classic panorama!